Just wanted to check in today, I feel somewhat better. Still depressed. You see I worry about EVERYTHING!!! My oldest son is showing some signs of depression. and it scares me. I don't want him to be like me on meds the rest of his life. I want them all 4 to live life to it's fullest, with no regrets. They all 4 have not grew up in a house that they should have. My husband and I have left him several times. I was gone a whole year, I have been back here a year in May. Things here are not the same they never will be again. I have changed, and so has he. I miss the man that he used to be, that man isn't nowhere to be found, and I have come to accept that. He is OK where we are in life, I'm not, He hasn't worked in going on 4 years. It is hard for me to respect him knowing his mom is taking care of us, and he is OK with that. He feels that doing these articles online he is going to make money. If that were true everyone would be on their computers. I just wish that he would get a real job. I hope you all are having a good day. I shall post later, look forward to hearing from you, {HUGS}
Kids are so vunerable to so much in life- right from the start- it's scary for me also because I have seen signs of the same in my oldest child- I have even discussed it with her Dr.- who told me to take her for counseling just to make sure- it's hard because teenagers go through the "regular" hormone crap so it's really confusing as a parent- but my daughter said she wasn't going and talking to anybody- that's scary too- I'm afraid of her keeping her feelings bottled up- we have a really good relationship so I pray really hard every day that if something is really wrong I will know! "WE" know the signs to watch out for- just don't ignore any of them and be there for him- I know you will! Glad to see you are a little better! I'm clinging on!!!!!!! I'm keeping in my head how much I have to be thankful for- that's what's pulling me through!!!!! <3
I don't know you honey, but I have been reading your posts and it sounds like you would do much better without your husband... I was in the same situation a few years ago. I finally left and never went back. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and my kids. I have since graduated from college and found someone to treat my kids and myself like we deserve to be treated. You just have to think about your kids and what is best for them and yourself. Forget about him supporting you. You show your kids what a strong woman their mother can be. Be a positive role model for them... They definitely need one.
Thank you for posting. Yes my relationship is hard, and I'm working in a few things to help that. Thanks for your post.
If you need me for anything my friend you know how to get in touch with me.
{HUGS} to you all!!!!
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