
Sunday, February 26, 2012


Sometimes I feel that my meds are not working anymore. That they just take the edge off. My head crawls all the time above my ear, it comes and goes, and it is very irritating. I have heart palpitations, they have got better.  I'm in a world of hurt with stomach problems, I can eat and then 6 to 7 hours later I'am up with pain. But this has been happening for a year, I have pretty much just got used to it. anyone have any ideas on what it might be I would appreciate some response to what you think that it might be. My nerves don't help.

I know that you probably in your life of depression, you have had some symptoms that have scared you, I'm so sorry that you have had to go through it to, I feel for each and ever one of you that comes here. We are all in this together. Depression and Anxiety is controllable. A lot of people see a therapist, and a lot of people use meds. I was just giving you some symptoms that I have even though I'am on meds. Please if you feel like posting, do. Would love to hear you story. And thanks again for reading my post. 


Avoidant Personality said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.. I have a friend who shares similar symptoms concerning eating and digestion and I don't know if it helps but for years he would eat late and binge eat into the night, after he began to change his eating habits, his digestive system was never to be the same. Now he avoids certain foods that irritate movements. But a year is a long time to be feeling this way and it is easy to get use to ignoring the way our body feels, so .... check it out! Best of luck to you Kim, I'll be back often!

Tweet Me: @avpdgroup


Kim said...

Thanks so much for the tips!!! And thanks for posting. You are so welcome back here. :)