
Monday, February 27, 2012


Today has been a bad day for me, I woke up with a lymph node swelled in my throat, and it scared me, I have been panicking inside wondering what it is. As the tears roll I hate this. I'm not a hypochondriac  I'm a person that is afraid of surgery, cancer, and dyeing. IT scares me until this day, and I have come to realize that when it is my time the Good Lord is going to take me no matter what I say. I sat here and tried to tell my husband how I felt, he has been so rapped up in hubs and things that we his family have become obsolete. I was crying out to him he just typed away, I know he feels his work is important, but it is like LOOK I need you to listen to ME can I have 5 minutes of your time. That's why I'm glad I can come here. If you come here and you know me personally, know that I have anxiety I'm still me, but I do worry a lot, This isn't a fun disorder to have, and to fight it alone at times is so hard. Like I told you before, having an attack is just like having the first one. I'm sorry that I'm not real supportive at this moment. I just had to vent, I hope to hear from you, and know that your words are important to me, Please post if you feel up to it. 


stayingpositive4u said...

Swollen Lymphs are actually healthy, especially in your throat, or behind the ear. Lymph Nodes are like our draining system for infections in our that sounds scary, but with it being in your throat that could be caused from a sinus don't worry... Husbands seem to block us out as well when they are caught up in their own interest..sad but all so true... I speak to mine quiet often, and I realize my words floated out the window... You kinda get use to it!...

Good Luck Honey!

Kim said...

Thank you so much. I feel better.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I'm so sorry I haven't been on here for you! These past several days have been pretty rough for me for several reasons!!!!!!!!! I wish you could just CALL me when you need someone- cause I get so caught up in my own crap at times that I may not get on here for days- it's like I'm shutting myself out of the world- I mean I had spent two days shut up in my bedroom- I'm kinda at a helpless state right now- Well, I guess I really just needed to say I'm sorry- love you girl- please know I can completely feel where you are coming from! I'd rather not put my name on here- don't want family to worry- there is enough of that- but I'm sure you will know who I am! I'm responding to your message from Sat. Asking how I was-

Kim said...

It is ok......I was worried about you, and I'm sorry you are going through so much, I know you are going through a lot. Don't shut yourself out, talk to me. That's what friends are for. I hope your mom is doing OK, I seen she had to go back in the hospital. I'm so sorry. Just hang on as tight as you can OK, and I will be here to help you alone the way, I promise. I feel much better now that I have heard from you.....Love you girl...Never any reason to say you are sorry Never!!!!