
Thursday, February 16, 2012

My past year

 To be honest with you, this past summer I pretty much stayed in the bed.Would get up long enough to walk the boys across the street to swim, I hardly left the house. This winter the same, I love to see the seasons change, but having seasonal depression also I hate to see fall come. I never went anywhere all summer, and have been a handful of places this winter. Depression can take over you so quickly it is hard to get back up again when you are down. But you can do it. Everybody needs a hobby, go for a walk, that helped me last summer me and the boys would walk the trails in the yard they had made. You never know how much your children see you unhappy, until they start calling you out on it. I would cry in silence and when we would say our prayers at night they would always pray for mommy. That meant the world to me.I know that life is full of ups and downs, I'm not good with change, I had a huge change in my life this past year, and that is what threw me into the depression that I was in. Please don't think you are alone with depression, or anxiety. You can post here, hope is in your future, as it is in mine. It hurts to smile a lot. If you have children put a lot of time with them you would be amazed at the moment you are spending with them, you think of nothing but that moment in time, cherish it. And sing even if to yourself, sing, smile, need to cry do it. I hope to hear from you soon, I will be posting again today. {HUGS}

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